Soundiron Kalimba 2-0 KONTAKT WIN-MAC

Soundiron Kalimba 2-0 KONTAKT WIN-MAC…La Kalimba es una versión modernizada de la antigua Mbira africana, también llamada piano de pulgar. Tiene un sonido de percusión humilde y melodioso con una calidez similar a la marimba y un cuerpo tonal.

Soundiron Kalimba 2-0 KONTAKT WIN-MAC

Soundiron Kalimba 2-0 KONTAKT WIN-MAC

A menudo se usa junto con pianos y otros instrumentos de percusión sintonizados para agregar un ataque más agudo y lúdico al sonido. Nuestros instrumentos estaban hechos de madera y cáscara de coco, con púas de acero martilladas suspendidas sobre sus agujeros de sonido. Las notas abarcan aproximadamente una octava y media para el más pequeño de nuestros dos instrumentos y más de dos octavas para el kalimba más grande.

We recorded kalimbas in 3 different environments: Close and Dry in our studio; at medium distance in a small bright chamber; and in a large, long linear hall, at both close (1 meter) and far (15 meters) microphone distances. We call the space “The Bunker”, because that’s exactly what it really is – a deep underground World War 1-era artillery bunker. You can also shape the room decay time easily with integrated Release control, turning the massive hall into a tight room with the twist of a knob. Each tine was sampled with up to 11 dynamic velocity layers with up to 10X round-robin variations each to give these instruments a truly life-like sound and playability.

Soundiron Kalimba 2-0 KONTAKT WIN-MAC

  • Plucks de estudio seco
  • Plucks apagadas de Studio seco
  • Plucjks de cámara Medio brillante
  • Bunker (Large Hall) Plucks – Cerrados
  • Bunker (gran sala) Plucks – lejos
  • Articulaciones Dry Studio strummed
  • Sistema adaptativo meta-arpegiador
  • Personalizado DSP Mulit-Effects Rack
  • 62 paisajes únicos, pads, atmósferas y drones
  • Docenas de impulsos de reverberación de convolución personalizada

Soundiron Kalimba 2-0 KONTAKT WIN-MAC


The Kalimba is a modernized version of the ancient African Mbira, also often called a thumb piano. It has a humble, melodious percussive plucking sound with a marimba-like warmth and tonal body. It is often used in conjunction with pianos and other tuned percussion instruments to add a sharper attack and playfulness to the sound. Our instruments were made of wood and coconut shell, with hammered steel tines suspended over their sound holes. The notes span about an octave and a half for the smaller of our two instruments and over two octaves for the larger kalimba.

We recorded kalimbas in 3 different environments: Close and Dry in our studio; at medium distance in a small bright chamber; and in a large, long linear hall, at both close (1 meter) and far (15 meters) microphone distances. We call the space “The Bunker”, because that’s exactly what it really is – a deep underground World War 1-era artillery bunker. You can also shape the room decay time easily with integrated Release control, turning the massive hall into a tight room with the twist of a knob. Each tine was sampled with up to 11 dynamic velocity layers with up to 10X round-robin variations each to give these instruments a truly life-like sound and playability.

Soundiron Kalimba 2-0 KONTAKT WIN-MAC

  • Dry Studio Plucks
  • Dry Studio Muted Plucks
  • Medium Bright Chamber Plucks
  • Bunker (Large Hall) Plucks – Close
  • Bunker (Large Hall) Plucks – Far
  • Dry Studio Strummed Articulations
  • Adaptive meta-arpeggiator System
  • Custom DSP Mulit-Effects Rack
  • 62 Unique Soundscapes, Pads, Atmospheres and Drones
  • Dozens of Custom Convolution Reverb Impulses

Soundiron Kalimba 2-0 KONTAKT WIN-MAC

Soundiron Kalimba 2-0 KONTAKT WIN-MAC

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Soundiron Kalimba KONTAKT WIN-MAC

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