Zero-G Ethera EVI Electro Instrument KONTAKT

Zero-G Ethera EVI Electro Instrument KONTAKT…Welcome to Zero-G Ethera EVI – Electro Virtual Instrument. Produced by award-winning sound designer and composer Stefano Maccarelli and featuring the critically acclaimed vocalist Clara Sorace.

Zero-G Ethera EVI Electro Instrument KONTAKT

Zero-G Ethera EVI Electro Instrument KONTAKT

Ethera EVI takes you into an amazing world of stunning vocals, synths, arps, textures, bass, horns, drums, acoustic instruments and ambient sounds for all your cinematic and electronic music productions. Ethera EVI is a complete all-in-one tool for soundtrack, video gaming, multimedia, and sound design creation and has been created to fit the needs of the most demanding of modern composers and sound designers. It consists of four main instruments:

Zero-G Ethera EVI Electro Instrument KONTAKT

  • Ethera EVI Vocal True Legato Instrument
  • Ethera EVI Vocal Phrases Instrumento
  • Ethera EVI Vocal Builder
  • Ethera EVI Synth
  • Más de 18GB de muestras
  • Nuevo y poderoso legato EVI con hasta 4 articulaciones de velocidad y sustains
  • Nuevo instrumento generador de voz que le permite crear sus propias frases vocales únicas
  • Más de 1000 muestras de frases vocales inspiradoras sincronizadas con el bmp y el «modo legato»
  • Más de 13 GB de muestras de los mejores sintetizadores de hardware y sonidos orgánicos
  • Más de 1.0 GB de bucles de batería electrónicos
  • Un exclusivo piano acústico vintage 1928 de fieltro (2 micrófonos: estéreo – mono)
  • Voz aclamada por la crítica de «clara Sorace»
  • Nueva reverberación de convolución
  • Wavetable synth con control de grano de muestra
  • Modo deslizamiento y unísono para el sintetizador EVI

Zero-G Ethera EVI Electro Instrument KONTAKT


Welcome to Zero-G Ethera EVI – Electro Virtual Instrument. Produced by award-winning sound designer and composer Stefano Maccarelli and featuring the critically acclaimed vocalist Clara Sorace, Ethera EVI takes you into an amazing world of stunning vocals, synths, arps, textures, bass, horns, drums, acoustic instruments and ambient sounds for all your cinematic and electronic music productions. Ethera EVI is a complete all-in-one tool for soundtrack, video gaming, multimedia, and sound design creation and has been created to fit the needs of the most demanding of modern composers and sound designers. It consists of four main instruments:

Zero-G Ethera EVI Electro Instrument KONTAKT

  • Ethera EVI Vocal True Legato Instrument
  • Ethera EVI Vocal Phrases Instrument
  • Ethera EVI Vocal Builder
  • Ethera EVI Synth
  • Over 18GB of samples
  • New powerful EVI true legato with up to 4 velocity articulations and sustains
  • New vocal builder instrument that allows you to create your own unique vocal phrases
  • Over 1000 samples of inspiring vocal phrases synced to the bmp and “legato mode”
  • Over 13GB of samples from the best hardware synths and organic sounds
  • Over 1.0GB of electronic drum loops
  • An exclusive acoustic vintage 1928 piano felt (2 mic: stereo – mono)
  • Critically acclaimed voice of “clara sorace”
  • New convolution reverb
  • Wavetable synth with sample grain control
  • Glide and unison mode for the EVI synth

Zero-G Ethera EVI Electro Instrument KONTAKT

Zero-G Ethera EVI Electro Instrument KONTAKT

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Ethera EVI KONTAKT (17Gb)

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