FrozenPlain Complete Bundle KONTAKT

FrozenPlain Complete Bundle KONTAKT…FrozenPlain is a one person company created by Sam Windell, a programmer, sound designer and composer. The products on this site are music production software tools for composers and producers. FrozenPlain’s software instruments often originate from unique sound sources, and are designed to be compelling and practical. Sam believes that inspiration is more likely to strike when production tools are smooth and simple to use, the products here have custom user interfaces designed for easy-of-use and graphical inspiration.

FrozenPlain Complete Bundle KONTAKT

The Complete Bundle is a bundle of all FrozenPlain Kontakt libraries. With a total of 247 .nki presets this collection offers an incredible selection of unique sounds for you to use in your music. Every FrozenPlain library has been designed to have a powerful and easy to use set of controls allowing you to further customise the sound.

FrozenPlain Complete Bundle KONTAKT

  • Colourform – Tonos, pads y ambientes atmosféricos presentados en una interfaz basada en color. 12 sonidos por parche, 19 parches centrales y 57 parches preestablecidos, un total de 76 archivos .NKI. La interfaz presenta 3 ruedas de colores, mientras mezclas los colores creas nuevos sonidos.
  • The Chordophones – 6 capas de cuerdas desplumadas y martilladas. Esta biblioteca es capaz de hacer un sonido de dulcémele medieval como tonos, pero también sonidos suaves de cuerdas desplumadas al ambiente.
  • Phoenix – 6 capas de cuerdas de sintetizador y coros suaves. Incluye 2 LFO que se pueden usar para crear movimiento en el sonido.
  • Terracotta – macetas de terracota multiempañados que tienen un tono de campana muy agradable. Presenta 7 capas de sonido para mezclar con el sonido de terracota. Esta biblioteca es genial como un instrumento de percusión tonal inusual.
  • Dual Music Box – 2 cajas de música multiempañados y otros sonidos. Dual Music Box es una biblioteca realista y personalizable que presenta una selección de sonidos adicionales, como un glockenspiel o cuerdas de sintetizador.
  • Slow – sonidos y texturas ambientales contemporáneos. Esta biblioteca está llena de emotivas almohadillas y texturas inspiradas en Boards of Canada, Tim Hecker y otros. Con más de 100 presets únicos y una interfaz increíblemente poderosa, esta biblioteca es una herramienta muy poderosa.


The Complete Bundle is a bundle of all FrozenPlain Kontakt libraries. With a total of 247 .nki presets this collection offers an incredible selection of unique sounds for you to use in your music. Every FrozenPlain library has been designed to have a powerful and easy to use set of controls allowing you to further customise the sound.

FrozenPlain Complete Bundle KONTAKT

  • Colourform – Atmospheric tones, pads and ambiences presented in a colour based interface. 12 sounds per patch, 19 core patches and 57 preset patches, a total of 76 .NKI files. The interface features 3 colour wheels, as you blend the colours you create new sounds.
  • The Chordophones – 6 layers of plucked and hammered strings. This library is capable of making medieval sounding dulcimer like tones, but also soft ambient plucked string sounds.
  • Phoenix – 6 layers of smooth synth strings and choirs. Features 2 LFOs that can be used to create movement in the sound.
  • Terracotta – multisampled terracotta flowerpots which have a very nice bell-like tone. Features 7 layers of sound to mix in with the terracotta sound. This library is great as an unusual tonal percussion instrument.
  • Dual Music Box – 2 multisampled music boxes and other sounds. Dual Music Box is a realistic and customisable library that features a selection of extra sounds such as a glockenspiel or synth strings.
  • Slow – contemporary ambient sounds and textures. This library excells at emotive ambient pads and textures inspired by Boards of Canada, Tim Hecker and others. With over 100 unique presets and an incredibly powerful interface, this library is a very powerful tool.

FrozenPlain Complete Bundle KONTAKT

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