Audio Reward Brood v1-2 KONTAKT

Audio Reward Brood v1-2 KONTAKT…Brood es un ROMpler orquestal de doble voz para Kontakt 5.7+. Brood, te ofrece un paisaje de sonido inestable, oscuro, incómodo y perturbado. El audio fue especialmente diseñado para Brood y su arquitectura DOSA: fragmentos de audio extraños, aleatorios, desequilibrados impregnan el escenario del sonido, oscuros y presentimientos, paisajes sonoros que nunca se repiten exactamente son la especialidad de Brood.

Audio Reward Brood v1-2 KONTAKT

Audio Reward Brood v1-2 KONTAKT

Brood features a dual layer architecture (so you can mix two different voices together), drift(variable tuning) controls, creative filters and modulation controls along with a unique gate sequencer for each voice and 4 sends for each voice. Brood includes our innovative scene controls allowing you to define 3 scenes (A, B & C), each containing volume, pan and pitch settings, and then morph between them. Brood is the fourth product using our DOSA (Dynamic Oscillator Sequencing Architecture) Engine. DOSA is a completely new and unique approach to audio playback, it provides endless audio that subtly changes over time, adding realism, movement and interest to each voice.

Audio Reward Brood v1-2 KONTAKT

  • DOSA (Dynamic Oscillator Sequencing Architecture)
  • La cría viene con 2,140 muestras
  • 150 fuentes de audio diseñadas a medida
  • 4.3 Gb de material de audio.
  • 100 snapshots
  • Se requiere la versión completa de Kontakt 5.7+

Audio Reward Brood v1-2 KONTAKT


Brood is a dual-voice orchestral ROMpler for Kontakt 5.7+. Brood, offers you an unsettled, dark, awkward, disturbed landscape of sound. The audio was specially designed for Brood and its DOSA architecture: strange, random, unbalanced audio fragments permeate the sound stage, dark and foreboding, brooding soundscapes that never repeat exactly are Brood’s speciality.

Brood features a dual layer architecture (so you can mix two different voices together), drift(variable tuning) controls, creative filters and modulation controls along with a unique gate sequencer for each voice and 4 sends for each voice. Brood includes our innovative scene controls allowing you to define 3 scenes (A, B & C), each containing volume, pan and pitch settings, and then morph between them. Brood is the fourth product using our DOSA (Dynamic Oscillator Sequencing Architecture) Engine. DOSA is a completely new and unique approach to audio playback, it provides endless audio that subtly changes over time, adding realism, movement and interest to each voice.

Audio Reward Brood v1-2 KONTAKT

  • DOSA (Dynamic Oscillator Sequencing Architecture)
  • Brood comes with 2,140 Samples
  • 150 custom designed audio sources
  • 4.3 Gb of audio material
  • 100 snapshots
  • Full version of Kontakt 5.7+ is required

Audio Reward Brood v1-2 KONTAKT

Audio Reward Brood v1-2 KONTAKT


  • Con la librería se incluye un archivo con el número de serie
  • Cargamos el instrumento en Kontakt e introducimos el número (doble clic en las casillas)
  • En Kontakt, vamos al icono con forma de disquete (al lado de la rueda dentada) y le damos a «Save As…»
  • Por defecto nos marca el instrumento y librerías, marcamos «Patch Only» y guardamos en el escritorio
  • Cerramos Kontakt y reemplazamos el archivo de la librería por el que hemos guardado
  • Listos, al iniciar Kontakt la librería está desbloqueada

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Brood v1.2 KONTAKT (4,37Gb)

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