SuperAudio Cart 1-2-5 KONTAKT

SuperAudio Cart 1-2-5 KONTAKT…El conjunto más completo de muestras de videojuegos clásicos jamás producido. Presenta OCHO sistemas legendarios de los años 70 a principios de los 90, una precisión incomparable y un potente motor de sintetizador para transformarlos en una variedad ilimitada de sonidos modernos. ¡Ahora incluye nuestro complemento SNESVerb independiente GRATIS!

SuperAudio Cart 1-2-5 KONTAKT

Super Audio Cart reproduce fielmente el sonido de ocho sistemas de videojuegos clásicos cuyo legado e influencia cultural ha perdurado mucho más allá de su vida comercial. Cuando se concibió la biblioteca, nuestro objetivo era una autenticidad excelente mediante el muestreo profundo de cada chip de sonido. Pero con el tiempo, ampliamos nuestra visión para destruir las limitaciones de los sistemas originales y permitir posibilidades de diseño de sonido casi infinitas.

SuperAudio Cart 1-2-5 KONTAKT

  • Ocho sistemas de videojuegos legendarios.
  • NES, FC, SNES, GB, 2600, C64, SMS, GEN
  • Más de 6.000 muestras.
  • Más de 630 fuentes de sonido únicas.
  • Nuevo banco de muestras de ROM de SNES.
  • Instrumentos clásicos del juego GEN
  • Edición meticulosa para preservar la autenticidad.
  • Grabado utilizando hardware real
  • Ahora incluye los chips FC VRC6, VRC7 + FDS
  • Complemento autónomo gratuito de SNESVerb (VST / AU)


Super Audio Cart faithfully reproduces the sound of eight classic video game systems whose cultural legacy and influence has lasted far beyond their commercial lifespans. When the library was conceived, our goal was superb authenticity by deep-sampling every sound chip. But over time, we expanded our vision to shatter the limitations of the original systems and allow for near-infinite sound design possibilities. The final version of Super Audio Cart is the culmination of 2+ years of intense research, development, and sound design. With a massive 5,500+ samples meticulously recorded, edited, and looped, we’ve thoroughly captured the raw capabilities of each game system.

These sounds are loaded into a custom Kontakt Player engine packed with cutting-edge features, along with 1,200+ factory snapshots to inspire both retro music, chiptunes, and modern genres. To create this instrument, everyone involved needed a passion and deep connection to both video games and their music. That’s why we collaborated with OverClocked ReMix, a website and community dedicated to the appreciation of game music. To us, Super Audio Cart represents the ultimate tribute to that art form, and we know that it will find a place in your music for many years to come!

Super Audio Cart v1-2-5 KONTAKT

  • Eight legendary video game systems
  • NES, FC, SNES, GB, 2600, C64, SMS, GEN
  • Over 6,000 samples
  • Over 630 unique sound sources
  • All-new SNES ROM sample bank
  • Classic GEN game instruments
  • Meticulous editing to preserve authenticity
  • Recorded using actual hardware
  • Now includes FC VRC6, VRC7 + FDS chips
  • Free standalone SNESVerb plugin (VST/AU)

Super Audio Cart v1-2-5 KONTAKT

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Super Audio Kart v1.2.5 KONTAKT (3.61 Gb)

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