Puremagnetik Bundle 2024-10 MAC

Puremagnetik Bundle 2024-10 MAC…Partikl is a powerful granular delay and temporal shifting device that can process your audio into unexpected musical forms. At the heart of the Partikl engine is a granular processor that can chop, pitch shift, time stretch and reorganize incoming audio.

Puremagnetik Bundle 2024-10 MAC

Vanisher es un procesador de audio granular y efecto espacial que difumina las líneas entre lo cósmico y lo mundano. Toma cualquier sonido que le des, lo corta en partículas microscópicas y lo reconfigura en el tiempo y el espacio. Puede crear efectos de audio 3D inducidos por fase, desenfoque granular, fallas y mucho más. Swarm es un efecto de diseño de sonido inspirado en la «inteligencia de enjambre» y las «masas de partículas» como las empleadas por el compositor Iannis Xenakis.

Gales is a versatile sound device that combines vintage tape processing with sophisticated digital effects. Its microdelay matrix provides precise control over comb-filtering and analog sounds. With Gales, you can create simple, smooth chorusing, deep, modulated spaces, and nostalgic wow-and-flutter effects. You can use it to manipulate audio into new and unique forms or to craft subtle spaces for your instruments in the mix.


Vanisher is a granular audio processor and spatial effect that blurs the lines between the cosmic and the worldly. It takes any sound you feed it, chops it up into microscopic particles and re-configures it in time and space. You can create phase-induced 3D audio effects, granular blurring, glitching and much more. Swarm is a sound design effect inspired by «swarm intelligence» and «particle masses» such as those employed by composer Iannis Xenakis.

Puremagnetik Bundle 2024-10 MAC

  • Puremagnetik Gelm v1.0.2
  • Puremagnetik Gales v1.0.1
  • Puremagnetik Fusia v1.0.2
  • Puremagnetik Fog v1.0.1
  • Puremagnetik Foam v1.0.2
  • Puremagnetik Flare v1.0.3
  • Puremagnetik Etappe v1.0.2
  • Puremagnetik Drejin v1.0.1
  • Puremagnetik Darklands v1.0.1
  • Puremagnetik Cloudmaster v1.0.1
  • Puremagnetik Bunkir v1.0.1
  • Puremagnetik Bitfight 83 v1.0.2
  • Puremagnetik Arkinaut v1.0.6
  • Puremagnetik Balloon v1.0.2
  • Puremagnetik Antoka v1.0.2
  • Puremagnetik Strata v1.0.1
  • Puremagnetik Stages v1.0.1
  • Puremagnetik Small Winters v1.0.1
  • Puremagnetik Shoal v1.0.1
  • Puremagnetik Leems v1.0.1
  • Puremagnetik Aperuit v1.0.1
  • WEB: Puremagnetik Plugins

Puremagnetik Bundle 2024-10 MAC

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Puremagnetik Bundle 2024-10 VST-AU MAC

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